Kyäni Sunrise
Kyäni Sunrise was developed to harness the powerful antioxidant polyphenols in the wIld Alaskan Blueberry. But that is just the beginning. Sunrise includes extracts from 22 superfoods and a wide variety of vitamins and minerals to optimize wellness.
With its water-soluble nutrients, Kyäni Sunrise is taken in the morning to maximize bioavailability. Available in a bottle or single-serve pouches, Sunrise is a delicious and healthy way to start the day.
Kyäni Sunset
Kyäni Sunset is a powerful source of omega-3 fatty acids, which support the operation of many of the body’s systems. The key ingredients in Sunset are sourced from wild fish, including the Wild Alaskan Salmon. In addition, Sunset is an excellent source of Tocotrienols, a potent form of Vitamin E.
The lipid-soluble nutrition of Kyäni Sunset makes it perfect to take before going to sleep at night.
Kyäni Nitro
Kyäni Nitro is the key that unlocks the full power of the Triangle of Health. One of the most important signaling molecules in the body is Nitric Oxide, which promotes healthy circulations and helps ensure your body’s ability to absorb nutrients.
Our Nitro products contain extracts from the noni fruit, which your body can use to produce Nitric Oxide. Available as Nitro FX and Nitro Xtreme, Nitro is taken two to three times per day for maximum effectiveness and maximum nutrient absorbtion.
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